Thursday, May 31, 2012

Part 9 - The Urge Towards Self Preservation

There is a saying that, “you have to have before you can give back.”  If this adage is not followed, then you will end up depleting your resources faster than you accumulate them.  

This leads to resentment and disenchantment, taking you out of your personality of being a helper, to not wanting to help because you are not being taken care of yourself.  So, you have to take care of yourself and preserve yourself.  This means financially, emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc.  

It means giving yourself time to rejuvenate  your energy and your life.  

This is taking a day off or whatever amount of time necessary to do the things that you enjoy doing.

Physically, this means getting enough rest, knowing what to eat to promote life and longevity instead of death and disease, knowing your body and treating it in a way where it responds the best to you, getting enough exercise and doing activities that makes you feel fantastic. 

It also means being able to protect yourself and the things that you love and care about, being able to be in the present moment to effectively analyze every situation and act accordingly.

If you are not well rested, tired or sick because of poor dietary habits, weak because of the lack of exercise, and unsatisfied with life mentally, you will not be in any state of mind or physical shape to fully enjoy the sweetness of life, generate as much income as possible, be able to concentrate at the task at hand or be at the top of your field.  

Take care of yourself and your self will take care of you...

Bishara Wilson, L.Ac., MSTOM

Friday, May 25, 2012

Part 8 - The Urge to Love

Who does not love to love or love to be loved?  
Have you ever had someone that you can let yourself go with and let see your true self?  
Have you had someone that you can reveal your Self to without the mask that is usually on in order to cope with society?  

It is a blessing to have someone that you pass time with and you don't know where that time went.  This feeling of love is a natural feeling.  

This feeling is food for the soul.  You can crumble up and die if you are not loved and are are not able to love.  

Love is children running to the door to greet their parents when they come home from work.  

Love is irresistible.  Love is  not regrettable.  You can do love and be in love all day.  If you were able to get paid for loving the one you love, you would work tirelessly and your bank account would be endless.  

For love is a well that can be dipped into and the pails of love could never run out.  The urge to love is magnetic and unstoppable.  The pull towards your loved one is innate.  

It is a characteristic of all creatures in nature.  You see it in how  lions cling to their cubs, in how flowers grow towards the sun and even in how dogs howl at the moon.  

Love is how a bride looks at her groom.  It is the hug that a mother gives her son who just returned from war.  It is the tears at a funeral.  It is the expression of a father seeing his newborn child.  

Love is hopeful.  Love leads to forgiveness.  Love helps you to make choices in life based on the highest good for yourself and those you love.  Love stimulates personal growth and achievement.  

Love is an awesome power that is a gift from the Creator.  

Bishara Wilson, L.Ac., MSTOM

Friday, May 18, 2012

Part 7 - Urge for Life After Death

One mystery that has confounded man for ages is the wonder of what happens after we leave this physical form. 

As your body is placed in the ground and rots until it is part of the earth that it came from, the question that is asked is, “Is this it?. I work and have trials and tribulations, joy and happiness to come down to this?”  

From ancient times, people have understood that we live on spiritually after we die.  There is a finer and more subtle aspect of ourselves that can be dominated by the prevalent physical part that we see.  

The ancient Egyptian, Chinese, Tibetans and other societies have manuals or so-called Books of the Dead that show how to navigate the underworld in order to get to heaven.  Many people worship God and try to be on their best behavior in order to go to heaven and not have their soul tortured by wicked demons in hell for eternity.  

Others say that earth is in space or in the heavens already and make their heaven here on earth.  They may accomplish so much and effect so many people in a positive (or negative) way that they live on after they die.  They exist in the minds of people, books are written about their exploits, monuments are carved in their effigy, streets are named after them and buildings are erected in their honor.  

Ancient Egyptians said that as long as people spoke your name, remember you deeds and continue your legacy, you are still alive.  

How will you make your mark? 
How many lives have you effected?  
What works have you started that will be continued after you are gone so that you may have life after death?

Bishara Wilson, L.Ac., MSTOM

Friday, May 11, 2012

Part 6 - Desire to Possess Power (Fame)

You love being in the bright lights.  Being in front of the crowd, on stage front and center, ready to perform.  The people come to see you, doing what you do.  They are ready to be entertained , to learn, to be encompassed in your world, in your mind, in the reality that you have created.  

At this moment, you are their focus, a demigod in their eyes, half-man, half-amazing.  When you are about to go out on the “stage”, you love the nervous feeling as adrenaline and endorphins are released into  your  bloodstream.  You take a deep breath, make a short prayer and begin your performance.

Fame and power are the result of work completed and received by others on a large level.  It is an externalization of your will power.  People admire this because it is a part of them that is weak, lacking or unable to be grown because of their inability to act.  

They see you as something that they would like to be.  People also respect authority and someone that commands respect.  

True power cannot be taken away because it comes from within.  Fame can wane and can also be fleeting.  Because true power comes from within, it can be reproduced.  It becomes a natural process like birds flying and fish swimming.  

Fame is a way of knowing you have life after death, while you are still alive.  Fame and power in your sphere of influence inspires others to become experts, to excel and to perform at a higher level in their respective fields.  

As it is said, “Game recognizes game.”  Fame and power is not always liked but the ability to have fame and power is nearly always respected.  

Bishara Wilson, L.Ac., MSTOM

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Part 5 - Desire for Sexual Contact

Sexual contact is one of the greatest and also most primal feelings that we all experience.  The desire for sexual contact is the desire to exist.  From sexual intercourse there is always the possibility to bring forth another life, a smaller version of yourself.  You and your genes live on through your progeny.  

Sexual contact feels fantastic.  There are numerous nerve endings in our reproductive organs that feel awesome when stimulated.  It is a feeling that only comes from sexual contact.  

Sexual contact is also a divine process.  A man and woman can create another life when they come together sexually.  This creative force can be used metaphysically to create anything, not just a child.  

Intention of desire while engaged in sexual intercourse can be used to bring that desire into manifestation quickly.  This is one way that tantra and sex has been used in ancient cultures around the world.  Sexual energy contains life force energy.  

The blend of life force between man and woman is the re-unification of duality.  One is made from the balance of two.  Male/female, active/passive, yin/yang.  

Sexual contact is good for self esteem when it occurs in a loving, respectful relationship.  It also lets one know that they are attractive and is also a confidence booster.  

Sexual contact is so necessary that any living organism that is larger than one cell engages in it.  Trees pollinate flowers which become fruits whose seeds carry the potential for an entire forest.  Animals mate when in heat.  Even insects have sexual contact to reproduce.  

It is a survival instinct that drives people to look, be and act their best.  Survival is sexy!

Part 6 will expose you to The Desire to Possess Power

Bishara Wilson, L.Ac., MSTOM