Thursday, May 3, 2012

Part 5 - Desire for Sexual Contact

Sexual contact is one of the greatest and also most primal feelings that we all experience.  The desire for sexual contact is the desire to exist.  From sexual intercourse there is always the possibility to bring forth another life, a smaller version of yourself.  You and your genes live on through your progeny.  

Sexual contact feels fantastic.  There are numerous nerve endings in our reproductive organs that feel awesome when stimulated.  It is a feeling that only comes from sexual contact.  

Sexual contact is also a divine process.  A man and woman can create another life when they come together sexually.  This creative force can be used metaphysically to create anything, not just a child.  

Intention of desire while engaged in sexual intercourse can be used to bring that desire into manifestation quickly.  This is one way that tantra and sex has been used in ancient cultures around the world.  Sexual energy contains life force energy.  

The blend of life force between man and woman is the re-unification of duality.  One is made from the balance of two.  Male/female, active/passive, yin/yang.  

Sexual contact is good for self esteem when it occurs in a loving, respectful relationship.  It also lets one know that they are attractive and is also a confidence booster.  

Sexual contact is so necessary that any living organism that is larger than one cell engages in it.  Trees pollinate flowers which become fruits whose seeds carry the potential for an entire forest.  Animals mate when in heat.  Even insects have sexual contact to reproduce.  

It is a survival instinct that drives people to look, be and act their best.  Survival is sexy!

Part 6 will expose you to The Desire to Possess Power

Bishara Wilson, L.Ac., MSTOM

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