Friday, April 6, 2012

Part 1- Eight Princes of Human Behavior

Napoleon Hill is famous for his life changing guide to personal and financial success called, “Think and Grow Rich.”  In another book of his called, The Master-Key to Riches, Hill describes the “Eight Princes”.  These “Eight Princes” are the desires and emotions that drive human behavior.  They are also the buttons that are pushed on consumers with advertising and marketing to influence buying habits.
These Eight Princes are:
  1. Desire for Egotism
  2. Desire for Financial Gain
  3. Desire for Revenge
  4. Desire for Sexual Contact
  5. Desire Possess Power- Fame 
  6. Desire for Life After Death
  7. The Urge to Love
  8. The Urge towards Self-Preservation

In the next eight blogs, we will explore these “Eight Princes” and how they influence your behavior.

Stay tuned…

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