Friday, April 27, 2012

Part 4 - Desire for Revenge

Desire for Revenge (a characteristic of underdeveloped minds)

The big payback.  Ever have someone do something to you and you feel that you have to get them back?  

You feel disrespected, embarrassed or even violated.  It won't make everything better, but to have them experience what you felt will make you feel somewhat better.  You want to teach them a lesson so that they think twice before crossing you the wrong way again.  

The only thing is that the cycle never ends.  Revenge begets more revenge.  It can be like a nasty energy that is passed from person to person.  

Also, if someone can't take the revenge out on the main target, then they will take it out on someone else that is weaker.  This begins the bully syndrome.  

It takes up mental energy that can be spent towards constructive activities that build you up and help to move you forward.  Revenge is looking backwards.  

This does not mean taking whatever is dished to you, being weak and not protecting yourself.  It means not being encompassed by the idea of revenge at all times.  

Some folks intentionally hurt others and deserve to get whatever is coming to them.  Most people may harm others, do not know it, and would apologize and do whatever is necessary to rectify the situation.  

Instead of jumping to conclusions, communication may be helpful to divert negative emotions that can fester and lead to improper reaction to the issue at hand.  This saves time, drama and is beneficial to continue to grow good relationships.

Next, we will get intimate with the Desire for Sexual Contact...

Bishara Wilson, L.Ac., MSTOM

Friday, April 20, 2012

Part 3 - Desire for Financial Gain

Why would anyone not want to make more money?  

Money is a medium of exchange that circulate between people.  It is a way to get what you need in order to do what you want.  It is a physical representation of the effort that you exert and offer to others for their use.  If you don't do anything, you don't get any money.  

For some people, money is their ego.  They feel powerful if they have a lot of it.  This is because other people who want more money defer to them in hopes of a chance to gain the opportunity to get more money.  

Some people were raised without money and the fear of being impoverished causes them to say “never again”.  

Getting money is a game.  When you understand the game of money, it is not always the money itself, but the thrill of playing and winning the game of money which is the driving force to keep playing.  

Money is meant to be in circulation.  This is why money is used as “currency”.  

Money is also an idea.  It's worth is based on people agreeing that it is worthy and valuable.  When you feel that you are worthy and what you have is valuable, you are able to get more money.  

Money can only be increased quickly by including other people.  Besides selling your valued wares, you have to use other people time, other peoples money, and other people's energy. 

J.P. Getty of Getty gasoline stations said, “I would rather get 1 percent of 100 people's effort, than 100 percent of my own effort”.

How do feel about money? What were initial experiences and relationship about money?  All of this shaped your ability to earn, save, invest and be responsible with money.

Some folks say, "Money is the root of all evil."  The verse actually says, "the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."  I have also heard it said that, "the lack of money is the root of all evil."  

Once we decide what we want, and are conscious of why we need and want money, we can move clearly towards our financial goals.

In Part 4 will explore the Desire for Revenge.

Bishara Wilson, L.Ac., MSTOM

Friday, April 13, 2012

Part 2 - Desire for Egotism

Egotism is the desire to be “the Man” or “the Woman”.  To be the Alpha Male/ Female.  To be the one in charge, the one that everyone looks to as the example of excellence, as the model of what things should look like.  

Things can be tough, but you will eventually come out on top.  You are the champion of the arena, the “top dog”, are at the top of the pile.  You are like this because you are willing to do what others don't do, to get results that others don't get.  

Every performance you work to do your best.  Mediocrity is not an option.  You do not accept failure.  Failure is motivation to learn from your mistakes, to strategize and use the lessons learned for your next mission.  

Fear does not paralyze you.  When faced with difficult situations, you take a deep breath, puff out your chest, straighten your back and go for it, you charge at and take charge of your target.  

You plan effectively and “win before you fight”.  

You enjoy the “flashing lights”, the roar of the crowd, the admiration of fans, the thrill of the fight.  You love taking the victory lap and being the owner of bragging rights.  

You are the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the unattainable, you cannot be stopped.  Like water, you push through, over, under and around any obstacle.  

It is hard work being the best, but it is all worth it.  If you lost it all, you could always get it back because this what champions do.  You are a champion.  You are a winner.

Bishara Wilson, L.Ac.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Part 1- Eight Princes of Human Behavior

Napoleon Hill is famous for his life changing guide to personal and financial success called, “Think and Grow Rich.”  In another book of his called, The Master-Key to Riches, Hill describes the “Eight Princes”.  These “Eight Princes” are the desires and emotions that drive human behavior.  They are also the buttons that are pushed on consumers with advertising and marketing to influence buying habits.
These Eight Princes are:
  1. Desire for Egotism
  2. Desire for Financial Gain
  3. Desire for Revenge
  4. Desire for Sexual Contact
  5. Desire Possess Power- Fame 
  6. Desire for Life After Death
  7. The Urge to Love
  8. The Urge towards Self-Preservation

In the next eight blogs, we will explore these “Eight Princes” and how they influence your behavior.

Stay tuned…