In a world where we are bombarded with images of who to be and what we should look like, it can be difficult at times to always do your best and feel great about yourself. Every where you turn there are advertisements, billboards and other propaganda about what is the ideal person.
If you judge yourself according to these images, life will be a confusion of whimsical trends that change seasonally. These images would have you believe that, "you have to have "x" amount of money", "you have to wear "x" shoes, "your hair has to look like"x", "you have to buy "x" jeans", etc. to be cool.
Most, if not all of these ideas are to socialize you on capitalistic ideas of consumerism. These companies that promote these images just want you to buy something. If you.base yourself on these outside influenced standards, you will never be satisfied. This is because these companies always have to develop new ways for you to stay interested and buy their product.
What we all have to understand is that you are your own product. You get to decide what makes you look and feel "cool". If you like trends, that is fine. As long as it is your decision to like it and not the trend dictating you.
When we are able to really think about what we want for ourselves, we learn to have confidence in ourselves and also trust our own thinking. As we begin to see results from our original thought process, we then continue to follow our thoughts to continue getting results. We then work to do our best as we realize that our thoughts create our own reality.